
Showing posts from November, 2021

Successful in Freelance Writing

 Freelance writing offers many niche areas to select. Going by your passion , interest and skills, starting off is much easier. Having your own blog and developing various blog post ideas for publishing, sets you to achieve mastery. However, it does not end there. Because, you need to constantly publish articles to advertise and market your expertise. How to describe expertise Familiarity in writing does not count for customers as expert writin g levels are growing in demand. If you have worked through many articles extensively that convey your knowledge and authority over a topic, you are assured of winning contracts. Another aspect that signifies your expertise is the comment section . The views, likes, shares and discussions from readers confirm that you have mastered the niche. Keep your style unique, interesting and follow the industry jargon along with SEO keywords. How many articles to publish Publish unlimitedly. Find as many sources as you can while ensuring that you deliver

Pumping Iron on the First Draft

 You spend years pouring out heart and soul and the first bit of advice many new writers hear is: "don't worry about it, your first draft is always crap." I strongly disagree . The mere fact you have completed the first draft should let you know you're a winner. I've heard it said that 80% of people living in America want to write a book. That means 260 million people who want the same thing you do. But how many people follow through? Not many. How many people start their book but never finish? Too many. So, if you have a rough draft, take a moment and celebrate... you've done something millions of people have never done. A first draft is exactly what it sounds like, the FIRST step , not the last. If you are 200 pounds overweight, you don't expect to walk into a gym and come out healthy the next day. Congratulations, you've walked in the front door. Now what? Below are five basic steps to help you tighten that novel and get it into shape. Step 1 - Cu

Content Writers or Speech Reviewers

 KNOWING THE PURPOSE Cardinal for the final content form website maintaince review, synopsis, direct speech, article with quotes and references) and for writer's kick-off notes is the purpose, which determines everything. PIVOTAL NOTES Ideas or spoken resource can be jotted down or it Capitalbusiness while writer's (your) personal allusions and footnotes are anchored on the paper or in the notepad. Hereby shorthand (stenography) technique deems super serviceable. WRITING ON UNFAMILIAR SUBJECT 'IS' POSSIBLE To avoid eventual personal distance to you-unrelated, dry or unfamiliar subject, cajoled open-mindedness could render it with flying colours. CONCENTRATION, ACTIVE LISTENING AND PIVOTAL NOTES NOT ONLY FOR WRITING TRANSCRIPTIONS When writing of subject you heard, concentration, too, calls for acquirement and application throughout the whole speech. Inherently does active listening and pivotal notes on particularly striking, in the speech highlighted or essentially su